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Our dubious squad of reluctant friends...

...begin their first rehearsal. Dana shows up, confidence guns blazing, Rose observes for...well, more on what Rose is doing there later, and as for Martin? Well, Martin has had about enough of being ignored and has quit the show. Turns out, Dana can take up a lot of attention. Shocking, right? This makes the fact that Rose's mysterious keys from earlier are now missing, too.

When Alvin finds out...

...he's frantic. He demands that Kate come with him immediately to "rectify the situation". Kate, confused as to how he even knew Martin, much less cared whether he was in the show or not, is reluctant to apologize. Why should she apologize for not catering to YET ANOTHER ego? It's not her fault he quit. At least, she doesn't THINK so... 


Alvin somehow knows exactly where to find him, and drives to Squirrel Lake to make Kate bring him back.

With Alvin missing...

...Kate is on her own to figure out what this "Check the tree" clue is, as well as how to find Alvin. If she's learned one thing since returning to Port Luisa, however, it's that having friends to help you out can make all the difference. Even if those friends are quite possibly implicit in your other friend's disappearance. Rose joins Martin and Kate as they walk the town, looking for Alvin and trying to crack the code of the clue.

Help them find Alvin in our season finale...

...episode five!

© 2015 by Burning Berry Productions

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