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In the not too distant past, or maybe in the not so distant future, there was or is a town where something magical happened. Actually, so many magical things happened, it's hard to know when to begin. I do know WHERE we can begin, though, and that is here:

So we begin...

About fourteen years ago, this theater did not exist yet. In fact, this town barely did. It was just a vacant lot, where some of the more...wayward youths would come to get into trouble and dream of their future.

Meet Kate, one of such youths. Clearly, quite the teen rebel. She's not as typical as she first seems, and Alvin knows more about that than anyone...


Alvin is one of those guys that seems like he's always been in this small town. One of the main proponents of building the theater, he even tried to talk Kate into staying in town, but no. She had plans. Plans to move to New York and be a big time theater director. You know, the kind of plans you have when you're 18 and ready to take on the world. Alvin took her no for an answer, for the time being...

92 Wednesdays later...

...and so our adventure begins. For it is not in the destination that a story is made, but in the journey.*










Join us for the next chapter in our story by clicking here.



*No, those aren't Whitesnake lyrics.

© 2015 by Burning Berry Productions

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